The New Armed Forces: A Poem

While humanity slept
There was a biological rage
A war not engaged with conventional weaponry
And our combatants will not be stock of yesterday’s military.

The new Armed Forces
Formation-ready on the frontline of this battle
Abandoning their kith and kin
To keep humanity from peril
So we can see tomorrow

Before you say "it's their job!"
While we enjoy the company of loved ones
Another family is making a difficult decision
Isolating their father and doctor of the house to the apartment garage for a season
As he continues to treat Covid-19 patient
While the wife is left alone
Tending to their 3 weeks old baby
And 2 whining and hungry kids

Maybe "Sacrifice" will be a better word
To describe their life-and-death fit
We can make their plight easier
By keeping apart a few feet
Obey simple hygiene routines
And special care of our aged ones

The new Armed Forces
Without guns and weapons of mass destruction
Yet their harmless arms is saving the world.
If there be any lesson
Our world will never remain the same again

The world has seen a lot
But none as the fall-outs of this scourge
A Sunday when it was safer not to go to church
An evening when it's more caring not to touch
Even when a fellow is cold

It used to be divided we fall
United we stand
But there is a new narrative in town
Together we die
Divided we survive
And Separated in Solidarity we win the war
Paradigms are shifting.
Truth no longer Truth?
Maybe not
Maybe context has changed
And changed forever

The new Armed Forces
While they hold forth life from extinction
In the midst of the pandemic
Yet we have the shortest memory of them
And their efforts we overlook
But their sacrifice we can't deny
Keeping humanity from extermination

In our isolation
We look up to them for a cure
For answers to this global question
Bringing great nations to their knees
And making us realize the fragility and vulnerability of humanity

In this trying times
Talks will be delivered
Policies will be made
Orders will be given
From our Fortified fortresses
And plans executed
But many lives will be saved
By healthcare givers

Doctors are the new Armed Forces 😢
With Nurses, Lab Scientist, Medical personnel et al on the frontlines of this Mortal combat
We owe them a duty
To remember them
Appreciate their efforts
And hold them high
In our supplications
They are in the trenches of hospitals
Shielding us from premature Armageddon

While we wait for the good news
From the labour room of research
To uncover Covid-19's Achilles heel
And triumph from ER the world over
We pray these knights in shining armor conquer
As they put on their kits to care
Because victory belongs to God

- Ernest Ademola Ehigie


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