ONCE UPON A TIME, A KING In 2015 we were fed up with a king from the south, Whose rise to power many equated as dues ex machina, But his reign was sub-human. So we rose up And told him to pass the staff We consulted the oracle again, And another was chosen from the North, We merried, we celebrated, Because we have heard of the new king exploit in 83 So we chanted Uhuru! Our joy knew no bounds when he told us that he belongs to all of us, And belongs to know one's selfish interest No king has said this to us before None had the audacity to say this in the midst of vampires that surrounds the throne, Now we have a king with balls We said! The king roared against the kingdom most dreaded ghost The ghost that cast darkness on the kingdom even in broad daylight The ghost that scared our kids from school The ghost that caused potholes on our roads, Potholes that sip blood The ghost that gave arms to our youths, To kill the goose that lay the golden eggs. Yes, the ghost th...